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Tag: Investering i Pakistan

Global headwinds!

Global headwinds!

  Despite global headwinds, the growth prospects are positive for 2017 with a rebound of the industrial sector, improvement in energy supply and security situation. GDP growth for 2017 is targeted at 5,7 per cent with contributions from agriculture (3,5 per cent), industry (7,7 per cent) and services (5,7 per cent). Investment is targeted at 17,7 per cent of the GDP in order to realise the targets of sustained, indigenous and inclusive growth. The fixed investment is expected to grow…

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Pakistan’s economy!

Pakistan’s economy!

Pakistani economy is on the right track. Pakistan has successfully completed twelve reviews with the IMF. All international financial institutions appreciate the performance of the Pakistani economy and predict improvements in the economic situation over time. Moody’s har opgraderet Pakistans forpligtelsesrating til B3 med et stabilt perspektiv, og Standard og Poors (S & P) kreditvurderingsbureau hævede Pakistans kreditvurdering til positiv. Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI), den amerikanske aktieindeksleverandør, har medtaget Pakistans Fondsbørs i sit benchmark Emerging Market (EM) indeks fra…

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    Pakistan er blevet medlem af Asian Infrastructure Bank (AllB) & Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). AllB vil yde midler til udvikling af vejsystemer, telekommunikation og andre infrastrukturprojekter, mens hovedmålene for Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) er at (i) styrke forbindelserne mellem medlemsstaterne ii) fremme samarbejde inden for politiske anliggender, økonomiske og handelsmæssige, videnskabelige og tekniske, kulturelle og uddannelsesmæssige områder samt energi, transport, turisme og miljøbeskyttelse (iV) beskytte regional fred, sikkerhed og stabilitet og v) skabe en demokratisk, retfærdig, international politisk…

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Pakistan remained focused and committed to implement China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) which is a mega project of USD 46 billion with Chinese Goverment. Execution of this project as per planned components of the CPEC will provide major support for development of infrastructure including communication, energy, special economic zones and Gawadar development.

Economy at a glance for different sectors!

Economy at a glance for different sectors!

Performance of the different sectors: the agriculture sector deteriorated in 2015-16, with significant fall in cotton crop. The sector registered a negative growth of 0.19 pct. in the FY16. The industrial sector showed remarkable performance an registered a growth of 6.8 per cent during 2015-16. The manufacturing sector grew by 5 per cent against the target of 6.1 per cent. The mining and quarrying sector posted a growth of 6.8 per cent and surpassed its target of 6 per cent…

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Pakistan’s political economy at a glance.

Pakistan’s political economy at a glance.

Pakistan is an federal democratic state. The present government returned with a majority in the Parliament and has pursued what are viewed as business friendly policies. Pakistan has the potential to grow at 6 to 7 percent in the next couple of years which is also needed to absorb new workforce entrants. Pakistan’s economy continued to maintain its growth momentum in the fiscal year 201-2016. The gradual building up of the growth momentum suggest that investment recovery is more sustainable….

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Natural Resources!

Natural Resources!

        Pakistan er rig på naturressourcer. Potentialet for udforskning af olie, gas og mineraler i det vestlige land er enorm. Den østlige historiske Indus-dal er ekstremt rig på landbruget.

Pakistan´s geographic location at the hub, close to markets og South East Asia, Middle East and also Europe!

Pakistan´s geographic location at the hub, close to markets og South East Asia, Middle East and also Europe!

Pakistans   nabo mod øst er Indien, der er stigende økonomi i sin egen ret, og som Pakistan forsøger at dyrke langsigtede fredelige forbindelser. Til Pakistans sydvestlige del er det olierige Mellemøsten. Mod Pakistans nordvest er den energirige Centralasien og i Pakistans nord, Kina. Pakistans lufthavne kan fungere som transporthubs. Karachi Jinnah International Airport er mere eller mindre ligefrem i Dubai, Doha, Delhi, Mumbai, Lahore og Islamabad.

China Pakistan Economic Corridor – CPEC!

China Pakistan Economic Corridor – CPEC!

Kina og Pakistan har indgået en omfattende plan for økonomisk korridor` mellem de to nationer. Det vil fungere som drivkraft for forbindelse mellem Sydasien og Østasien. Infrastrukturudvikling på højt plan vil forbinde Urumqi i det vestlige Kina til pakistanske centre i Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi og i sidste ende Gwadar Port. Det er en del af ‘String of Pearls`-strategiske maritime planlægning af kineserne. The Chinese Economic Corridor which will link Western China to Middle East and Africa has immense economic potential…

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Another reason for Danish companies to invest in Pakistan: Availability of skilled manpower!

Another reason for Danish companies to invest in Pakistan: Availability of skilled manpower!

                                  Danish Pakistani Business Council visit the Danish Chamber of Commerce in Copenhagen at their beautiful residence on Børsen. The purpose and main theme were the Commercial Brigde building between our two countries many companies. Fra venstre: Salgschef Jesper Juul-Jensen, Bestyrelsesformand Kurt Damsted, Ambassadør S. Zulfiqar Gardezi, administrerende direktør Tariq Sundoo, administrerende direktør Jens Klarskov, bestyrelsesmedlem Suhail Sundoo. Nature and quality of skills in…

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