China Pakistan Economic Corridor – CPEC!
Kina og Pakistan har indgået en omfattende plan for økonomisk korridor` mellem de to nationer.
Det vil fungere som drivkraft for forbindelse mellem Sydasien og Østasien. Infrastrukturudvikling på højt plan vil forbinde Urumqi i det vestlige Kina til pakistanske centre i Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi og i sidste ende Gwadar Port. Det er en del af ‘String of Pearls`-strategiske maritime planlægning af kineserne.
The Chinese Economic Corridor which will link Western China to Middle East and Africa has immense economic potential in services especially transportation and banking. Considering the quantum of investment under CPEC, it would not be illogical to expect a substantial increase in FDI in to Pakistan in the coming years.
The CPEC will not only generate economic activity during the development phase, but once the route is completed it provides an opportunity to access world markets more easily. The economic corridor not only facilitates China, it also opens up a route upstream to China for the world.
Investments in power generation, mostly coal, upwards of USD 33 billion under CPEC will surely bring an end to backbreaking load shedding that the domestic industry has been subjected to over the last decade.
Invariably, this would further improve industry´s share in GDP in the medium term.