Another reason for Danish companies to invest in Pakistan: Availability of skilled manpower!

Another reason for Danish companies to invest in Pakistan: Availability of skilled manpower!


















Danish Pakistani Business Council visit the Danish Chamber of Commerce in Copenhagen at their beautiful residence on Børsen.

The purpose and main theme were the Commercial Brigde building between our two countries many companies.

Fra venstre: Salgschef Jesper Juul-Jensen, Bestyrelsesformand Kurt Damsted, Ambassadør S. Zulfiqar Gardezi, administrerende direktør Tariq Sundoo, administrerende direktør Jens Klarskov, bestyrelsesmedlem Suhail Sundoo.

Nature and quality of skills in an economy is the decisive factor for its competitiveness and quality of life. Pakistan har mere end 200 højere læreanstalter anerkendt af videregående uddannelse. Landet producerer tæt på en halv million kandidater og ca. 20.000 kandidater i datalogi og omkring så mange i ingeniørfultulteter årligt. This entails a great potential for some skilled in the country. Den årlige plan 2016-17 focuses on providing and promoting technical and vocational education by expanding geographical access through the public-private partnership on identified priority areas.


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