DPBC Services
1. Research & Development Department
This department provides latest information and guidance to the members involved in trade and industry by way of:
1.1 Rendering techniccal support and know how to several Standing Committees of different subsectors of trade and industry
1.2 Preparing research reports and budget propals
1.3 Organising seminars, workshops, exhibitions and economic forums
1.4 Providing advisory services to the members regarding import, export, taxation, monetary, investment policies of the goverments, and organises trade delegations to both countries, and participation in international trade fairs.
1.5 Publishes research journal “Economic Outlook”
2. Computer Department
3. Information Department
4. Total Quality Management Department
5. Membership
Business, whetherproprietorship, registered firm, private limited, public limited or any other company or concern shall be eligible for membership of the Danish Pakistani Business Council provided one has its head office, registered office, branch office or manufacturing plant in one of our two countries, is engaged in export, import or other trade or is owning a factory, pays or is liable to pay income tax, and operates a satisfactory bank account.
The three classes under which a business house can become member of the DPBC are:
- Chamber Class,
- Associate Class,
- Trade Groups,
6. Service- & konsulentydelser i henhold vedtægter!
1. Ansøgning om medlemskab
2. Medarbejdere
3. Medlemsfordele
4. Referencer
Eksport, Marketing, Salg
5. Eksportrådgivning
6. Selskabsrapporter og årsregnskaber
7. Event Management
8. Lokaleudlejning
9. Pr-service
10. Medarbejderrekruttering
11. Messeservice
12. FN-Licitationer
13. Oversættelsesservice
14. Sprogundervisning for erhvervsfolk
15. Emballage- og miljøservice
16. Licitationsovervågning for byggebranchen
Jura, Skat, Administration
17. Juridisk rådgivning
18. Skatterådgivning
19. Momsregistrering
20. Fiskalrepræsentant
21. Inkassoservice
22. Personaleforvaltning
23. Bogholderiservice
24. Momsrefusion