Danish Chamber of Commerce Annual Conference.
Dansk Erhvervs Årsdag 2023

Business minister Morten Bødskov, & Economy and Deputy Prime Minister Jakob Ellemann Jensen.
The Western world, including Denmark, is facing a massive decline in workforce in the coming years. International workers will have to be part of the solution. To protect its future, Denmark will need to realign its labour environment so that working internationals feel both drawn to and welcome in Denmark. Focus on how we create the best framework conditions for business life in Denmark. The Danish Business Year goes into depth with how Danish companies can help turn challenges into opportunities – both in Denmark and outside our own borders. It’s time to act. Uncertainty in the world. A new climate and energy policy agenda. A welfare society for the time and for the future.

1200 businesspeople attended the annual business conference at the Danish Chambers of Commerce with politicians and top managers from Danish business. The challenges of the times call for action. Both from business and from politicians nationally and internationally. Danish companies have a clear ambition to find solutions and turn challenges into opportunities – both in Denmark and outside our own borders. How do we solve the lack of labor, the looming climate crisis, the dilemmas of digitization and the increasing pressure of the public sector?
Danish Pakistani Business Council, expressed several possibilities in the future of more Danish companies outsourcing to Pakistan with Business minister Morten Bødskov, Brian Mikkelsen director of Danish Chambers of Commerce & Economy and Deputy Prime Minister Jakob Ellemann Jensen.
Tariq Sundoo and the Director of the Danish Chamber of Commerce are discussing the future possibilities of more Danish companies outsourcing to Pakistan and Brian Mikkelsen is looking forward to the investment conference that the Danish Pakistani Business Council will hold in May 2024.
The Danish ambassador to Pakistan, Jakob Linulf, and the Pakistani ambassador, Shoaib Sarwar, will also participate in the investment conference.
Top directors from important Danish companies will participate and can create more opportunities for greater cooperation between Danish and Pakistani businesses for the benefit of both countries’ export development.
Network work Pakistan is developing rapidly and is therefore an interesting market for Danish companies. With growth of almost 6 % in 2022 and with its approx. 220 million inhabitants, Pakistan is on its way to becoming a significant economy and a large market. Pakistan is a country with great potential in various sectors with a very friendly and liberal Investment policy, says Tariq Sundoo, who sees Pakistan as a country with great opportunities and Investment potential for Danish companies. There are already more than 52 well known Danish companies with business interests in Pakistan. These include companies like A.P. Møller/Maersk, F.L. Smidth, Bestseller A/S, Beirholm, Eldan Recycling, Haldor Topsoe, Sanovo Technology, Borch Textile group, Wernerfelt Textile Company, Select A/S and KMC.

Jakob Ellemann Jensen og Tariq Sundoo, Dansk Erhvervs Årsdag 2023

Suhail Sundoo og Jesper Juhl Jensen

More information about the Investment conference 2024: www.Dpbcouncil.dk