DPBC. Tariq Sundoo ceo: Celebrated the 50th anniversary of Pakistanis in Denmark at Restaurant Punjab in Valby with the presence of Pakistan’s Ambassador to Denmark.

DPBC, Tariq Sundoo CEO organized celebration of the 50th anniversary of the first generation of Pakistanis to Denmark as guest workers.
Danish Pakistani Business Council & Danish Pakistani Friendship Society has held the first meeting to mark the 50th anniversary of the first generation of Pakistanis in Denmark. That generation was one of the most important sources of industrial labor in Denmark among guest workers since 1969. The first generation of Pakistanis is now aged 75-85.
H.E. Excellency Ahmad Farooq, expressed his great joy at meeting them. That generation was one of the most important sources of industrial labor in Denmark among guest workers since 1969. Subsequent generations of Danes with a Pakistani background are well established and integrated in Denmark, support Danish society and have, among other things, educations from universities, academic work, county judges, lawyers, jurists, doctors, accountants, psychologists, alternative therapists and craftsmen as well as self-employed people.

Amir Sundoo, Amanat Chaudhry, H.E. Ahmad Farooq & Shahid Akhtar