Now is the right time to invest in Pakistan startups: report
Now is the right time to invest in Pakistan startups: report
Now is the right time to invest in Pakistan startups: report
Mr. Imran Chaudhry Boota fra advokatfirmaet ICB Law & H. E. Exellency Masroor Junejo. Den Pakistansk ambassadør H. E. Exellency Masroor Junejo ønsker tillykke til Imran Chaudhry Boota fra advokatfirmaet ICB Law med medlemskabet i bestyrelsen for Danish Pakistani Business Counci Under mødet på ambassaden i Hellerup gif drøftelserne ud på at vi skal bane vejen for et større samarbejde mellem danske og pakistanske erhvervsvirksomheder til gavn for begge landes eksportudvikling.
The Pakistani ambassador H. E. Mr. Masroor Junjo and The Danish Ambassador Pakistan Mr. Jesper Møller Sørensen with Pakistani delegation of investers from Pakistan. Danish Pakistan Business Council welcomes to the delegation of Pakistan
Mr Khan discussed about his thoughts about architecture vision which he wants to be implemented in potential country Pakistan. Mr Khan started his architecture studies from Beaconhouse Nation University, Lahore, he was hired as an In-House Architect by Imran Khan Foundation for Namal Knowledge City Project, Mianwali. After successful completion of his exchange semester from Copenhagen, he is going to start professional internship in Manhattan New York City at Alexander Gorlin Architects Company. Fasih ud Din Khan explained the ambassador…
Danish Pakistani Business Council participated today at Asia House Carries on with INDIA ACCESS, participants were Chairman Kurt Damsted, Suhail Sundoo, Suraiya Kasim, and Tariq Sundoo CEO. The Indian ambassador Niraj Srivastava and the Danish ambassador in India Freddy Svane, Peder Holk Nielsen, Novozymes. Danish Pakistani Council met many participants from Investment Fund for Developing Countries, Danish Agriculture and food Council, Embassy of Nepal, the Confederation of Danish Industry, Embassy of the Republic of Malta, Copenhagen Business School, International Club…
Professor Ole Risager: Report Suraiya Kasim: CEO of the Danish Pakistani Business Council Tariq Sundoo along with board members Sohail Sundoo and Suraiya Kasim attended the seminar Global economic outlook: Identifying potential impacts on Danish-Asian business ties held on 21.02.2014 at the Asia House. Professor Ole Risager (Department of International Economics and Management Copenhagen Business School) gave a very interesting presentation discussing the global economy in general and the current status of the economies of China and Japan in particular….
Danish Pakistani Business Council in cooperation with the Danish Chamber of Commerce, The head of EU and international Department Mr. Jens Alsbirk and the Pakistani Ambassador in Denmark H.E. Mr. Masroor Junejo are holding a conference at the historical Old Stock Exchange ( Børsen) in Copenhagen Thursday 10 April 2014, at 15:00 to 17:30. The aim of this conference is to build a commercial bridge between the business sector of Denmark and Pakistan and to exchange knowledge, technology and consultancy. Danish companies have…
Survey puts Pakistan just behind Taiwan in terms of business generated; leaves behind India and Japan. PHOTO: FILE ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has been ranked second in the world in terms of business growth in a survey, conducted by the Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO). The current survey – which examined records of 9,371 Japanese firms operating across the world – put Pakistan just behind Taiwan in terms of business generated; leaving behind both India and Japan, media reports said. Pakistan’s data…
Formålet med mødet var, at udveksle informationer med Ambassadøren om Pakistans vurdering og syn på mulighederne for fremtidig handel mellem vore to lande, og fremlægge DPBC´s formålsparagraf og vedtægter. Det var yderst positivt, at erfare den store samhørighed mellem vore analyser og synspunkter, hvilket giver begge parter en seriøs tro på en fremtidig udvikling baseret på gensidige fordele for vore to lande. Det var opløftende, at Ambassadøren lagde stor vægt på, at Pakistan skulle udvikle sin samhandel med hele Skandinavien…
Mr. Masroor A. Junejo, Pakistan Ambassador-designate to Denmark visited Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry and interacted with businessmen to get their input on ways and means for further improving trade and economic relations between Pakistan and Denmark. He said Scandinavian countries including Denmark, Norway and Sweden are growing markets which offer great potential for Pakistani products, especially textiles and Pakistani businessmen should accelerate efforts to explore more business opportunities in these markets. He said ICCI should take a business…