Congratulations Pakistan.

For decades, the Danish Pakistani Business Council has strived and worked to increase the collaboration between the nations of Denmark and Pakistan in various business fields.
That is why, our hope and wish is that this unique cooperation would in future continue with
the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis, the Ministry of Commerce,
and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the benefit of us all.
With best wishes Tariq Sundoo
marts 2024
Danish Pakistani Business Council har i årtier bestræbt sig på og arbejdet for at øge samarbejdet mellem nationerne Danmark og Pakistan på forskellige erhvervsområder.
Derfor er vores håb og ønske, at dette unikke samarbejde fremover vil fortsætte med ministeriet for
Oversøiske Pakistanere, handelsministeriet og udenrigsministeriet til gavn for os alle.
Med de bedste hilsner
Tariq Sundoo : CEO
Tommy Häggmark: næstformand
Nadeem Farooq: næstformand
Louise Jensen: pressesekretær