#1 Strategic location

#1 Strategic location

Pakistan, with a total area of nearly 800,000 square kilometers, is the 36th largest country in the world. Its neighboring countries include Iran, India, China, and Afghanistan. Consequently, this makes Pakistan a good location for businesses in sectors such as agriculture and trade. Its location near China and India allows Pakistan to be a key player in regional development. Its access to sea routes is also important for the trading industry. Also, Pakistan has Karachi Port which is situated on the…

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10 Reasons Why to Invest in Pakistan!

10 Reasons Why to Invest in Pakistan!

Pakistan, located in South Asia, is the second biggest market in the region. Above all, low competition and a rapidly growing economy are only some of the benefits to attract interest in foreign investors. However, despite its size, it’s still relatively unknown among foreign companies and investors. Thats why you should be among the innovators. June, 2020

Udenrigsministeriet repræsenteret af Director Ambassador Thomas Lehmann afholdt møde sammen med Danish Pakistani Business Council

Udenrigsministeriet repræsenteret af Director Ambassador Thomas Lehmann afholdt møde sammen med Danish Pakistani Business Council

Brief på Danish Pakistani Business Council aktiviteter Brief på Udenrigsministeriet s aktiviteter og planer for Pakistan 4. Fremtidigt samarbejde. ( August 2020  åbner Danish Pakistani Business Council kontor i Lahore / Islamabad . Chairman Kurt Damsted, Vice-chairman Tommy Haggmark, Syed M. Hussain, Suhail, Jesper Juhl Jensen & Tariq Sundoo ceo

Farewell reception at Pakistan House Thursday 9. th of January 2020 above mentioned held a farewell reception at Pakistan House, Hellerup.

Farewell reception at Pakistan House Thursday 9. th of January 2020 above mentioned held a farewell reception at Pakistan House, Hellerup.

All ambassadors in Copenhagen from all other countries were present, and the coach held a very warm farewell speech in which he concluded, the active and engaged cooperation. H.E. Syed Zulfiqar Gardezi, Ambassador of Pakistan in Denmark has inspired the Corps with during his stay in Copenhagen, and that they all would miss him when he returns to Pakistan. The Ambassador H.E. Syed Zulfiqar Gardezi, Ambassador of Pakistan in Denmark also held a very warm speech filled with both humor and histories and…

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The World Bank has recently released its annual report on ‘Ease of Doing Business 2020’

The World Bank has recently released its annual report on ‘Ease of Doing Business 2020’

Doing Business 2020: Accelerated Business Climate Reform Agenda Puts Pakistan Among Top 10 Improvers As you are aware, the World Bank has recently released its annual report on ‘Ease of Doing Business 2020’. As regards Pakistan, the report acknowledges/highlights significant improvements by Pakistan salient points are of which are as under: Pakistan has moved 28 places up on the Ease of Doing Business Index, securing a place among the top 10 countries with the most improved business climate. Pakistan carried…

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Kære JakobPå vegne af Danish Pakistani Business Council & Dansk Pakistansk Venskabsforening vil jeg gerne ønske dig alt mulig held og lykke for fremtiden og for Venstre.Vi håber på godt og konstruktivt samarbejde også i fremtiden

Pakistan Independence Day Celebrations

Pakistan Independence Day Celebrations

Open Invitation a flag-hoisting ceremony will be held at the Embassy of Pakistan Valeursvej 17, 2900 Hellerup. on Wednesday, 14th. August 2019 at 09.00 a.m Ambassador Syed Zulfiqar Gardezi will hoist the national flag.

Mango Festival på Rådhuspladsen afholdt d.03.08.2019

Mango Festival på Rådhuspladsen afholdt d.03.08.2019

The Pakistan Embassy, ​​in collaboration with the Pakistan Cultural Society and the Danish Pakistani Business Council, has held a Mango festival at the Town Hall Square. Live Musical entertainment with Anita Lerche and Bilal Hussain. Den Pakistanske ambassadør H. E. S. Zulfiqar Gardezi har i samarbejde med Pakistan Cultural Society & Danish Pakistani Business Council afholdt Mango & Kolfi Festival på Rådhuspladsen d. 3. aug. 2019