Setting up a Business in Pakistan.
Sole Proprietorship An individual may set up the business as sole business proprietorship without any registration expcept with tax authorities.
Sole Proprietorship An individual may set up the business as sole business proprietorship without any registration expcept with tax authorities.
Type of Entity Minimum No. of Shareholders Minimum Capital Requirement Standard Time of Incorporation Private Limited Company 2 PKR 100,000(~USD 823) 6 weeks Single Member Company 1 PKR 100,000(~USD 823) 4 weeks Public Listed Company (Listed) 3 200 million(~USD 1.6M) 6 weeks Public Listed Company (Unlisted) 3 PKR 100,000(~USD 823) 6 weeks Branch Office No shareholders N/A 7 weeks Liaison Office/Representative Office No shareholders N/A 7 weeks Allowed Foreign Ownership in Pakistan Unlike many other similar markets, Pakistan is very…